Johanna Biedermann Relocation Services

About me

My background certainly played a major role in making my way into the relocation business in 2002. Having grown up bilingually, in a predominantly international environment were good prerequisites for working with people from multicultural circles. My many years abroad in England and the USA were years of valuable and exciting experiences. From these experiences, I know very well what it feels like to arrive in a foreign country, to be immediately confronted with a lot of unfamiliar things. On the other hand, my clients are impressed with how fast and uncomplicated the administrative processes are here, and I can only say thank you to my valuable network! That's exactly the point, efficient processes leave room for a positive arrival in the new environment. I am glad to be able to make my own contribution so that my clients in Switzerland soon feel comfortable and settle down.

Portrait Hanna Biedermann

Johanna Biedermann Relocation Services - Johanna Biedermann - Florastr. 30 - CH 4057 Basel - Telefon: + 41 (0) 79 311 72 61 -

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